To move the lines and take our part in the transformation of our industries, we must deploy a strong, participatory and federative energy. Our industry is often under the fire of excessive and unproductive « plastic bashing ». More than words or partisan rhetoric, our commitment to an industry that gives new meaning to plastic is illustrated by facts and actions.
Industrial convictions
Bold choices
To achieve this transformation, the Hyléance Group is putting in place a strategy to ensure that it has the means to fulfil its ambitions. The grouping of five companies (ROVIP, MILLET-FORESTIER, TMP Industrie/MTI, BMP and ESIS) with common stories, values and know-how complementary and solid prospects set the course. And when the creation of a new site is necessary to accompany the development of the group, bold choices are made to place this new Ceyzériat plant in today’s realities and the prospects of a responsible and sustainable future in its realization.
The general architecture, the materials, the management of resources are articulated in a plan combining know-how, know it to be and CSR. In 2023, 14% of our electricity consumption will be produced by the 2,000 m² of photovoltaic panels. An innovative underground gallery comprises a new space, a disruptive choice where the flows of materials and energies operate in peace and security. A strong choice that contributes to the cleanliness and comfort of the production workshops while ensuring the safety and efficiency of the maintenance of the circuits. The spaces allow the offices, meeting rooms, free coworking areas, cafeteria, fitness room and terraces for rest, a new organization of places for the well-being of teams and the efficiency of collective work.
The means for its ambitions
Each arbitration is the result of a decision and the allocation of resources during periods of growth or in binding contexts. The group’s investment policy embodies the overall strategy. It is not a matter of following some trendy topics or satisfying some personal preferences. All means are allocated in a global vision, each action being a brick to transform our industry, innovate, improve service and experience for our customers.
Confidence in the future
We are promoting the optimism and commitment to build the future. We are working on a long-term version where each of our choices carries a responsibility and a direct impact. We shake our certainties, we innovate in our processes and we challenge the material. We invest in our equipment like in the support and development of our team.
8% turnover investment a year
Collective strength
Attractiveness challenge
To accompany our transformation, we are shaping an industry that puts polymers and Made In France first. We value our teams. We train our talents and welcome young people to learn. We believe in mixing profiles and skills. We organize times of cohesion and facilitate collective intelligence in our processes, our equipment and our mindset, through our MELIOR management system or our #FIERdeTonUSINE rallying sign.
Exponential skills
Thanks to the plurality of skills pooled within the group and the possibility to open new functions such as marketing or CSR engagement, we are able to offer our clients and our internal organization a new combination of talents. Skills do not add up, they multiply! The group is a driving force and a pretext for revisiting processes. Cross-functional project modes and strong synergies allow us to create a tailored response according to the challenges, uses and profiles of our clients.
Shared approach to continuous improvement
Initiated within the new Ceyzériat site and being rolled out across the group’s sites, our continuous improvement approach is based on open, shared management to capitalize on collective intelligence. Its name is MELIOR. An organization to meet expectations in terms of customer satisfaction and economic, environmental (pollution prevention and preservation of the natural environment), energy and societal performance.
The necessary resources and resources are put in place to ensure the efficiency of the system and the control of information by all employees.
MELIOR, c’est… perforMance, Engagement, pLaisir, cohésIon, écOute et pRoactivité.
An open ecosystem
« Alone, we go faster, together we go further » says the saying… and it is in this logic that we wish to give a new meaning to plastic. We are committed to the interprofessional as well as to our territory. We support initiatives, share trends, take up challenges and open our doors. We want to be actors in a collective where partners, colleagues, authorities and institutions play their role.
A commitment to society
The spirit of the hummingbird
Do you know this Amerindian legend reported by Pierre RABHI who tells that, during a fire in the Amazonian forest, while the animals were fleeing, a small hummingbird was active towards the fire with the beak full of water? The animals, incredulous, asked him, “What do you hope to do, little hummingbird, with these drops of water?” and the hummingbird to say “I’m doing my part”.
Aware of our responsibilities, we are doing our part. We are involved in our ecosystem with the BPI’s « Coq Vert » community of, our membership in the French Fab « Coq Bleu » and the MORE label. An approach invested in the three pillars of CSR: the environmental, social and economic dimensions.
The environmental challenge
Often seen as the main lever of CSR, the environmental impact of our production is central, especially in our plastic industry. This component is a determining factor in our strategy and our desire to transform our businesses. We innovate with our partners in materials, their origins, uses and recycling processes. We aret integrating best practices and rules into our processes and know-how, notably through the 14001 certification or the international Operation Clean Sweep® program.
The social challenge
The place of people and the role of teams is an integral part of our group’s vision, through the Quality of Life at Work, safety or cohesion. Hyléance’s social approach is based on a number of keystones. We are vigilant to the intergenerational cohabitation of our teams as to the diversity. We are vigilant about gender equality in terms of salaries and functions. We ensure the development of each individual through an active training policy and support for our employees in their professional developments and wishes.
The economic challenge
As actors in an ecosystem, we all play a role towards others, in our responsibilities and our impacts. At Hyléance, the respect of our commitments and the quality of our services with regard to the commercial links with our customers is the priority. We then ensure support of local partners, producers and suppliers. We are committed to ethical and transparent practices such as paying our invoices within legal deadlines, without ever being in arrears. Our group’s development is also based on strategic capital strength and economic resilience. Ambitious and bold, we are no less prudent and humble in our choices to guide the most serene management possible